Friday, September 9, 2016

Do Unto "Otters"

The First Week Back!
While it turned out to be a very HOT return to school, this week was so exciting!  Back to School time brings about many emotions for parents, students, and staff.  Throughout the week I read to classes, visited classes, and spent time in the cafeteria.  I am so proud of our students.  They settled in nicely and I could see the beginnings of new routines taking hold.  I read one of three books to the students this week, each with a special message.  One of the books is called, Do Unto Otters.  This is a cute little story that reminds students to treat others (or "otters") the way they want to be treated.  This is always a great conversation to have at the beginning of the school year and I enjoyed talking with the students about their expectations of behavior. I encourage families to continue this conversation at home. How can you show that you are friendly, polite, honest, considerate, cooperative, sharing and kind?  How can you show these traits at home? at school? in the community?  We will be exploring these questions at LES all year in our classrooms, with our guidance counselor, and even in our morning gathering time in the all purpose room.  Looking forward to a wonderful year!
Image result for do unto otters activities

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